Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Celebrate Love

Valentine's Day is coming up this week and to be honest, I haven't stopped long enough to think of what I'm going to get my honey. It's not one of those HUGE holidays for us but we do like to celebrate it. We've been married for 13 years and were together for two years prior to that so this will be our 16th Valentine's Day together!

I'm reminded of one particular year (early in our marriage) when I thought my hubby forgot as I didn't receive anything at work all day. I even spoke to him on the phone once or twice and didn't hear a "Happy Valentine's Day" from him either. So, what can I say. I pouted when he picked me up from work. In my mind I was thinking, "He didn't even get me a card!" Of course he noticed my delightful attitude and simply said, "The day's not over yet." Well, we got home and to my surprise there sitting on our dining room table was a smorgasborg of Valetine gifts. He had given me the BIGGEST Valentine's card I think I've ever seen along with a bouquet of flowers, chocolates and a little bear!

So, you can probably guess how I felt. Yep, I was shrinking in yards by the second (and I'm not very tall!). I cried. I apologized. I smiled. My heart went from disapointment to delight in seconds. I wonder, have you ever been disappointed on a Valentine's Day? This truth is sure to bring you delight. Romans 5:5 (NLT) says,

And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Whether we have a significant other or not, or receive a bouquet of flowers or not, we are all blessed to share God's love with the people in our lives that we love and love us. So instead of focusing on what we DON'T have, let us focus on what we DO have. Whether it is something extravagant or something simple, CELEBRATE LOVE! We have much be thankful for.

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